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Dinosaur (and cow) gas?

Methane-emitting dinosaurs could have warmed the earth

Some scientific findings are just too good to leave alone, even if you don't know if they can ever be confirmed: Such is the case for a study saying that plant-eating dinosaurs could have emitted enough digestive methane to warm Earth's climate 150 million years ago.

"It is known that the time of these dinosaurs was warmer than now," said David Wilkinson, an environmental scientist at Liverpool John Moores University who's the lead author of a paper on the subject appearing in the journal Current Biology. "This is explained usually by an enhanced greenhouse effect, mainly carbon dioxide. If we are correct, then methane from sauropods may have been a contributor to this greenhouse effect."

Methane is a more potent greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide, and modern-day livestock are thought to be responsible for about a quarter of the methane released in the United States. Some say that the belches and flatulence of cattle, pigs and sheep are a significant contributor to the warming effect caused by greenhouse-gas emissions. So why wouldn't it have been the same in the age of giant plant-eating dinosaurs, when global biomass density was at least several times what it is today?

Click here to read full article by Alan Boyle.


Prattsburgh Update

Monday's Town Board meeting was called to discuss the situation with the Ecogen Lawsuit. Many of you may recall that a significant issue in the lawsuit was if Ecogen had vesting in the proposed Prattsburgh project. Judge Ark said that the town board did not have a right to grant vesting, it is something that a developer achieves by significant construction.

The Judge had given Ecogen 168 days to do substantial construction to vest in the Prattsburgh project. Ecogen did not do any substantial construction. Now they have gone to Judge Ark to clarify when the 168 days starts, or started. They have also requested a stay.

Our attorney has advised that if our town board did not take counter action, it would indicate to the judge that we did not have an issue with Ecogen’s request. It has been the position of the majority of the town board that the 168 days has gone by and Ecogen did nothing.

There was some discussion between Lenny and Chuck about how much it would cost the town to respond to the Ecogen action. The board was able to get the attorney and clarify the issues to the satisfaction of the board.

The board voted to advise our attorney to counter sue and say that our opinion is that the 168 days are over and deny a stay. This part of the legal action will cost the town between 5-15 thousand dollars. Some of you know that at the last town board meeting $10,000 was given to the town board, money that had been collected from local people who want the money to be used for legal action. This $10,000 could be used for this legal

I am not an attorney and this is my best effort at relaying what I saw at the meeting.

There were quite a few people in attendance at the meeting. It is so important for each of us to remain involved in these important issues.

Nancy Wahlstrom