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VN 9/26 - Segmentation?

Under New York's State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQR) segmentation is defined as the division of the environmental review of an action so that various activities or stages are addressed as though they were independent, unrelated activities needing individual determinations of significance. Considering only a part or segment of an overall action is contrary to the intent of SEQR. Is “segmentation” going on in our area? Our article in this week's Valley News addresses this vital question. For further information, visit the "Process" section of our main website and then read Brad Jones' penetrating analysis of the recent Prattsburg DEIS.

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Appeal from Perry

We just received the attached appeal from Citizens for a Healthy Rural Neighborhood (CHRN) of Perry, NY not far west of here. If you have a moment, please consider their appeal for collective action and write to express your support.



North Country Struggles

Neighbors for the Preservation of the North Country, Inc., a citizens' environmental advocacy group made up of local residents, has commenced a legal proceeding against the Towns of Altona, Clinton, Ellenburg, the Clinton County Industrial Development Agency, and Noble Environmental Power, challenging the failure of the towns, the IDA, and Noble to follow the requirements of the State Environmental Quality Review Act. Is this starting to sound familiar to you?

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Board poised to OK?

An article in today's Evening Tribune reports that the Cohocton Town Board has taken another step toward adopting "Windmill Law #2" as part of its stated plan to prepare the way for the development of an industrial wind power plant in the Town. Opposition from members of the Cohocton Wind Watch group has made his job so emotionally draining, according to Supervisor Jack Zigenfus, that he is seriously considering resigning from his position. That would be quite a move! Work overtime to push through a massive industrial development against significant citizen opposition and then leave the dirty work of carrying the project through to others. I seriously doubt that it would be any easier for him to deal with opposition from the project's supporters, should he ever choose to resist the developer's plans. Frankly, I think he'd find himself facing a pretty nasty group going the other way...

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Trouble in Howard

An article in Hornell's Evening Tribune this week highlights industrial wind development problems in the Town of Howard where an Article 28 action has been filed alleging potential conflicts of interest. It's a fascinating story that's being repeated in one form or another throughout our region. Is anything like this going on in Cohocton?



Windfarm Prattsburg DEIS

We've just received a remarkable document from Brad Jones in Naples - an extensive analysis of the Windfarm Prattsburg DEIS (Draft Environmental Impact Statement). This project, and the paperwork submitted in its support, is very similar to ours in Cohocton, so the observations made in the analysis are very pertinent to our situation. Please read the paper carefully and let us know what you think.

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VN 9/19 - Saving the Planet?

Local wind power supporters seem to be convinced that developing a large industrial wind power plant on our local hills will make a significant contribution to the future safety of our children. How could wind power in Cohocton help save the planet? Read the article we published in this week's Valley News and then check out the section called "The Problem" in our main website for some thoughts on this important question.

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A New Forum

It's been difficult trying to keep up with current events using our main website, so we've developed an alternate way of posting ongoing information and dialogue in a weblog format. I went back and filled in the ads we've been running in The Valley News as well as some of our previous correspondence for your review and comment, and I'm planning to add new insights along the way, as time permits. Please bookmark "Updates" and check back from time to time to see how well we're keeping up with the ongoing wind power controversy in Cohocton. Thanks for visiting!



VN 9/12 - What about Fenner?

UPC Wind has brought at least 2 busloads of Cohocton residents to Fenner, NY to visit a small wind project that was developed there 5 years ago. Is this anything like what's being proposed in Cohocton? Our article this week's Valley News examines the question. For a more graphic comparison, visit this spot on our main website (while you're there you'll also come across a picture we created that became a front-page poster picture on the YES! Wind Power website.



VN 9/5 - Is This a War?

Emotions have been running high around town, and some people are starting to think we're in some kind of war. We'd like to see the tone of discussion settle down a bit to allow for more open dialogue. Read our article here, and then let us know what you think.

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Steeped in History

This month's edition of The Smithsonian magazine has a wonderful article about the Finger Lakes region and the lasting inspirational effect the beauty of the had on Mark Twain. Few people know that his wife, Olivia Langdon, was from Elmira and that he spent two decades of summers here writing some of his most famous work, including Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn. Twain called the view from his Elmira study "a fore-taste of heaven."

Another part of the article describes how William Pryor Letchworth's commitment to the environment became a living legacy:

"...the lifelong bachelor retired at age 48 to his country house, Glen Iris, to devote himself to philanthropy. In 1906, in a move that outflanked an electric power company wanting to build a dam on the property, he donated 1,000 acres for a preserve that would become Letchworth State Park."

You can read the online article here. If you enjoy this one, you might also appreciate another Smithsonian article on the global effect of hybrid corn that we referenced in July.



More Pictures Wanted!

We're looking for more pictures for our Flickr album (see box at right) and PowerPoint show of the "Hills and Sky of Cohocton." Please send some of your best ones as JPG attachments so I can include them.



September Town Meetings

Special Meeting Cohocton Town Board
Wednesday, 9/6, 7:30 - 8:30 pm at the Atlanta Court Offices, 19 Main St, Atlanta, NY.

Regular Meeting Cohocton Planning Board
Thursday, 9/7, 7-8 pm at the Atlanta Court Offices.

Community Meeting with Senator George H. Winners, Jr.
Monday, 9/18, 12:00 - 12:30 pm, at the Cohocton Town Hall, 15 S. Main St., Cohocton, NY. Assemblyman Jim Baccalles will also

Regular Meeting Cohocton Town Board
Wednesday, 9/19, 7:30 - 8:30 pm at the Atlanta Court Offices.

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